CLOSED - Contact Your State Legislators about SDP Funding

August 2024 Update: The state budget has been passed. This petition is closed. 

April is School Library Month, and the Philadelphia Alliance to Restore School Librarians (PARSL) wants everyone who cares about the future of education in Philadelphia to reach out to your state legislators to encourage them to support increased school funding so that K-12 students can have libraries and certified school librarians in our city public schools.

We know that school libraries and professional staff cost money. Both the state and city are poised to help. Gov. Shapiro’s budget proposal includes a substantial investment of $1.8 billion in public schools, with additional financial support for students who are currently disadvantaged by the existing school funding system. Mayor Parker is proposing a budget that would increase city funding for the district, with a current budget of $4.5 billion, by $24 million in fiscal 2025. 

School librarians and libraries can help close the literacy gap and provide safe spaces for students before, during, and after school. SDP students deserve to have functioning school libraries and certified school librarians like most other schools provide. We need you to encourage Philadelphia state legislators and City Council members to support the increased funding that can provide libraries for SDP children and teens. 

If you are a Philadelphia resident, please send an email today to your State Legislators asking them to increase funding for SPD school libraries and librarians.