The School District of Philadelphia (SDP), partnered with the Philadelphia Alliance to Restore School Librarians, (PARSL), has received a two-year, federal planning grant for $149,120. The grant will examine how to recruit, train, and add certified school librarians and develop a five-year strategic plan, using Philadelphia as a model.
The Urban School Library Restoration Project includes three major areas of work.
- Research - Restoring Urban School Libraries: Challenges and Strategies
Library leaders from eleven urban school districts that have added school librarians will be interviewed, including Boston, Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Chicago, Dallas, D.C., Eugene (OR), Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York City, Oakland (CA), and San Francisco. A report will be produced relating advocacy efforts, influential stakeholders, barriers, solutions, training options, and funding.
This report is finalized and can be found here.
- Recruit and Train - The Plan for Preparation of Philadelphia School Librarians
Building a pipeline to certified school librarians will first entail investigating how to recruit candidates who are diverse in their cultural backgrounds, prior education, experience, and personal characteristics. Education options for candidates who may or may not hold a teaching degree will be explored. Using Philadelphia as a model site, a plan will be crafted that includes recruitment strategies and education pathways to becoming a certified school librarian.
- Plan – A Philadelphia School Librarian Restoration Model
A five-year, replicable strategic plan to restore school librarians based on Philadelphia will be crafted and vetted by district officials and community leaders. The plan will include a communications plan, an adaptable RFP calling for university training options, and funding options, as well as resources such as building readiness assessment tools and stakeholder surveys and presentations.
The project began in September 2024 and will end August 2026.
The project was funded by the U.S. Institute of Museums and Library Service (IMLS) as part of the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian program. The summary and grant proposal can be found at