School Librarians and Libraries are Essential - Lynda Rubin's Testimony to the SDP Board of Education

By Lynda Rubin

SDP Public Meeting  Dec 12, 2024

I am here again to speak not about the importance, but the necessity, of libraries staffed by certified school librarians in every school. I ended my testimony last week with the following:

“You want to improve children’s reading skills and behavior? Place a well-stocked, school library and certified school librarian in every school!”

Why? Because a certified school librarian is trained, knowledgeable  and experienced in various kinds of resources, and types of fiction or subject for children’s interest or need. School Librarians are also a source for teachers and school staff on topics and types of books, videos, and now, websites, to support their work.

In 1975 I was a counselor at the D. Newlin Fell School in South Phila. (then a K-7, now K-8). Sister Lawrence Elizabeth, principal at nearby Stella Maris School came to view the school because the District wanted Stella’s gifted students to attend Fell’s classes weekly. Sister Lawrence was pleased with Fell’s quiet halls and engaged students. Fell school also had a double classroom sized, fully-stocked library with a full time certified School Librarian. Upon first glimpse while entering the library, Sister Lawrences’ eyes went wide with a big smile on her face. She was impressed. I’ve never forgotten that moment, although I understood it immediately.

Fell’s classes went weekly to the school library with their teacher. The school librarian informed students about how libraries can be used for information, knowledge and fun. Students took books out and returned them the following week. Now libraries have computerized resources. Students learned how to access information from multiple sources. Such learned skills enable students to feel confident to widen search options, explore deeply and broaden their on-line research skills.

Minds that are engaged in how to learn become interested in learning more.